Friday, April 27, 2007

How Do I start A Business?

In keeping with what I mentioned in a earlier post. Lets get back to talking about your new found venture of starting a home based business.

I see this question asked over and over again in the forums. They may not use the exact same words, but the question is still the same. "How do I start a business?" Usually, they want to know how to start a business quickly, with no money.

If you are a person who has, or might ask this question, here is some advice for you.

First, you should be aware that there businesses can be started quickly online, but they seldom begin showing an immediate profit. There are no get rich quick businesses. If there were, we would ALL be doing it!

My best advice is to really think about what you enjoy the most in life, as far as your interests and hobbies go. Build a website that is centered around that interest, then begin your business by selling products or services that are related to that interest and your website.

Affiliate programs are fine, but you must realize that you cannot just sign up for a program, use the website that they generate for you, and expect to make any money. It's a little more to it. You may want to consider building your own website, or having one professionally built for you. Sometimes you just can't rely on the affiliate site, so do your home work.

Once you have your website set up, and you've selected some affiliate programs to start with, the real work will begin. You must interact with your site, and with your visitors. Add a discussion board to your site, start a newsletter, and writes a blog. All of these things should be centered on the topic of your site.

But it doesn't stop there. The old saying "Build it, and they will come" is not true anymore. You have to let people know it is there. Not just any people...your target market has to know it is there. As a new home business professional, you will probably have a budget of zero. This means that you will have to do your own marketing.

I suggest visiting other forums related to your topic and posting often, using your signature file. Join email discussion lists related to your topic, and again, post often, using your signature file. Please note that you cannot blatantly advertise in the forums, or on the discussion lists. You must have something of value to contribute, and simply use a signature file, which will direct people to your website.

You should also write articles related to your topic and distribute them to publishers of ezines and websites that relate to your topic. Make sure you get their permission to receive these articles from you ahead of time.

Finally, contact publishers of ezines where your ad would be appropriate, and trade ads with them. Publish their ad in your newsletter, and they will publish your ad in their newsletter.

That's not all there is to it by a long shot, but it is enough to get you started. You will learn more simply by "doing."

Until next time, keep reaching for your fullest potential!

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